Hi there! My name is Jimmy Watts and I’m the creator of Own the Grill, your online resource for everything that has to do with outdoors cooking. I created Own the Grill for one simple reason – I love sharing the experience of good food with others.
To me, there’s nothing more satisfying than grilling something delicious, and seeing the look on somebody else’s face as they delight in the flavor. I wanted to create a way to help others share in that same experience with this website.
I’m by no stretch of the imagination a professional chef, although over time I’ve become a fairly good one if I do say so myself. Everything I’ve learned and come to know has been through experience and a burning desire to continually create something that tastes better and better.
That’s the beautiful thing about food though. I’m living proof that you don’t need to be some sort of pro to grill. I’m just a regular guy who has a grill and a love for cooking.
Now, of course, there are a few cooking principles and basic tips that you should always follow. But cooking is equal parts art and science. My goal with Own The Grill is to help you out with the basic stuff. Whether it’s a product review, a how-to, or a recipe that I love, you should take it, learn it, then improve it. Add your own flair to it. That’s how we all get better!
The name Own the Grill has a little meaning behind it too. And no, it’s not the surface-level idea that I think everybody should own a grill 🙂 I’m talking about “owning” the grill in more of a mastery way. Mastery is something that only comes with a lifetime of experiences and is fueled by true passion. And that’s my goal – to one day truly Own the Grill.
So whether you’re a total beginner who’s looking to grill that first kebob, or an up-and-coming master griller looking to take your slow and low BBQ Brisket recipe to the next level, I’m grateful that you’ve stopped by my site on your own personal journey to Own the Grill.
Our Team
Jimmy Watts, Webmaster
James “Jimmy” Watts is a lifelong grilling fanatic and devotee of the outdoors lifestyle. After graduating from college with an honors degree in journalism, Jimmy cut his barbecuing and smoking teeth working in the kitchens of various smokehouses in his native Texas, before founding Own The Grill to combine his enduring passions, writing and cooking.
Beth Schubert, Director of Content & Press
Beth is a media specialist, the co-founder of Own The Grill, and a life-long culinary fanatic. After graduating from college Beth wired a copywriter, journalist, and public relations manager in a number of different fields before deciding to combine her love of grilling and barbecuing and her professional life and helped to establish Own The Grill, a site dedicated to creating exclusive content for its ever-expanding legion of global grilling fans.
Ricky Foster, Staff Writer
What could possibly beat throwing a steak on the grill for a tasty medium rare sear? For Ricky, the answer is nothing. He joined Own the Grill in July 2020 as a contributor so he could write about one of his favorite passions.
JJ Wilkins, Staff Writer
A connoisseur of all things BBQ, JJ is a valued contributor to the Own the Grill team. You can expect to find him manning his offset smoker, red wine in hand, whipping up some delicious food for his family and friends most every weekend.
Jenna Hansen, Staff Writer
Jenna is a passionate grilling enthusiast who grew up in Philadelphia and now lives in North Carolina. She is a self-taught grill master, experimenting with different techniques and recipes. Jenna loves to host cookouts and share her love of grilling with her family and friends.
Ryan Vento, Contributor
A food, wine, and hotel industry connoisseur, Ryan is a featured Delectable user and contributor to Own the Grill with his expertise in all things food and wine.
Get in Touch With Own The Grill
I always love to connect with my readers. Have a topic you want to see covered on the site? Reach out to me! Looking to connect for general advice? I’d love to help. Get in touch with me anytime at jimmy@ownthegrill.com.