Are Weber Grills Worth the Money?

Are Weber grills worth the money?

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If you’re looking to pick up a new gas grill, odds are you’ve come across the Weber name – their brand has been a staple in the world of grilling for decades and it doesn’t look like that will change any time soon.

You may have noticed that Weber gas grills aren’t necessarily in the bargain bin when it comes to price, especially when you compare them to the grill brands you’d find sitting outside of big home improvement stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot.

The logical questions that follow then would be “are Weber grills worth the money?” or “why are Weber grills so expensive?”.  The good news is, we’re here to help and break down Weber grills, why they’re priced the way they are, and whether or not they deliver bang for your buck.


Our Experience With Weber Grills

Before we get started, I wanted to let you know that our team has quite a bit of first hand experience with Weber grills – I have had a Weber Genesis II E-410 for about 5 years now.  The Weber Spirit II E-210, Spirit II E-310, and Summit E-470 are also owned by other Own the Grill staff – and between our collective we’ve seen many other Weber models in action.

We also see quite a few other brands of grills in action on a regular basis, how they perform, and what they cost – and all of this gives us our basis of comparison and background to discuss whether or not Weber grills are worth the money.

Are Weber Grills Worth the Money?

The short answer is yes, we think Weber grills are worth the money, generally speaking – and there are multiple reasons why we think that’s the case.  To name a couple right off the bat, Weber grills will last you quite a long time and they outperform much of the competition on the market – especially bargain brands.

With that being said, the answer to that question largely depends on which price range you are looking at and what you’re hoping to get out of your grill.

Understanding Weber Grill Series & Price Tiers

When it comes to gas grills, Weber has 3 flagship series, or types, of grills that they sell – and the products within each series are all similarly situated to one another in terms of features, build material, extras, etc.

The series are the Spirit, Genesis, and Summit.  Weber’s Spirit grills are their lowest priced offering, and feature mostly 2 burner and 3 burner options.  Weber Genesis grills are a step up in price and feature mostly 3 burner and 4 burner grills, but there are also a couple of 2 burner options.  Weber Summit grills are their high end line and feature a wide range of options, up to 6 burners, and additional configurations like built-ins or kamados (egg shaped grills).

When you consider that grills on the market can range anywhere from $200 for a bare bones entry level grill all the way to $5,000+ for high end gas grills, all of a sudden Weber grills (especially Spirit series) seem more-so like they’re worth the money.

Note that we’ve created extensive side by side guides to the differences between Weber Spirit and Genesis grills, and then between Weber Genesis and Summit grills – which are both great resources if you end up wanting to do more research about these grills.

Are Weber Spirit Grills Worth the Money?

Weber’s Spirit II grills fall within the price range of $389 to $499 – and while there are certainly cheaper options out there in the $200-300 range, you’re highly unlikely to find a better quality grill for less than $500.

Unfortunately, most grills under the $300 price point are made with inferior build materials, poor design, or both.

The end result is a grill that’s not well made and may have poor performance due to lack of temperature control, hot spots on the grill, or parts that easily erode after a grilling season or two.

Weber’s advantage as a larger operation comes into play here.  Since they have better manufacturing systems and a larger scale than most other grill brands, they’re able to provide a truly quality grill at a reasonable cost with their Spirit line.

All of the spirit grills feature a weather resistant, built-to-last porcelain enameled hood and cast iron cooking grates that produce beautiful sear marks on your food.  Further, all of their grills have easy push-to-start ignition, grease management for easy clean up, and v shaped bars that protect your burners from food drippings (these bars actually vaporize drippings on contact, which rise back up into your food to add extra flavor during your cook).

All of these features you won’t find on other budget grills – they’re the kind of features you’d find on a mid level grill.

It’s for all of those reasons that we think Weber Spirit Grills are definitely worth the money.

Are Weber Genesis Grills Worth the Money?

Weber Genesis E-435 Gas Grill
  • 69,000 total BTUs heat output
  • 844 sq. in. cooking surface area
  • Backed by 10 year warranty
Check Price on BBQGuys Check Price on Amazon

The Genesis series is Weber’s mid range grill – and they come with a few upgrades relative to the Spirit series.  Genesis burners are a little bit more powerful, and the grills come with a lot more options like sear burners, enclosed carts, accessory storage, etc.

Also, Genesis grills have a stainless steel lid handle and trim on the hood, whereas Spirit lid handles and trim are made of a high quality plastic.

All of these upgrades and extras put Weber Genesis grills in the $779 to $1,299 range – which is definitely more expensive than other grill brands on the market.

Here’s where the answer to the question “are Weber grills worth the money?” starts to get a little murky – even though we’d say that the Genesis grills still provide excellent value.  It’s just that everybody has different preferences and expectations with their grills.

There also isn’t a large peer group for the Genesis series in terms of quality and price – Napoleon grills come to mind, but they are probably targeting a more luxury market and are a little more expensive than comparable Weber grills across the board.  We’ve done a side by side comparison of Weber vs Napoleon if you’re interested in a deep dive on this topic.

The Genesis line of grills perform excellently and are built to last – I can personally attest to that!  Mine is over 4 years old now and still runs hot and provides an even temperature across the cooking chamber each time I fire it up.  After a quick spray and clean, it looks like new too – the porcelain enameled lid is a great look that has withstood the test of time, even though I live in a humid climate (note I cover my grill when I’m not using it).

However, if you are only going to use a grill a couple of times per month or don’t plan on entertaining large crowds – one of these grills could be overkill and not worth the price.

Are Weber Summit Grills Worth the Money?

The Summit series grills can cost upwards of $2,500 – and this is where Weber starts to loose value relative to the competition.  I don’t want to make it sound like Summit grills aren’t fantastic outdoor cookers – because they are.

It’s just that there are dozens of brands in the high end and luxury grill market that provide equal or better cooking performance at similar or even better prices, in some cases.  Blaze Grills are a great example – they offer a more comprehensive line of high-end grills than Weber, we’d argue more performance and features, at competitive prices to what Weber offers.

Why Are Weber Grills So Expensive?

The Weber brand has been around for quite some time and has a pretty good operation going.

On one hand, their products can have a high price tag, but on the other hand when you consider the amount of design, work, and support that goes into their products, it’s easier to see the value they’re offering to backyard BBQ’ers.

Here are some of the top costs that contribute to Weber’s price tag:


Businesses that don’t innovate typically don’t last long.  Throughout Weber’s history, they have pushed the envelope to develop new grills that burn hotter, cook more consistently, last longer, and that are just flat out better.  Nowadays, they’re constantly improving their existing product line while also developing new products (like pellet grills and kamado style grills).

The continued investment in design, research, and development comes at a cost – which inevitably gets passed on to the consumer in the form of extra dollars on the product price tag.

Build Material

When it comes to materials used in construction of their grills, Weber does not cut any corners.  Built to last means using materials that are going to perform and last well into the future.

Weber cooking grates are either stainless steel or cast iron, and their hoods feature that hard to miss powder coated porcelain enameled finish.

Some of their higher end cookers also have stainless steel accents and other parts that come from relatively expensive raw materials.

Customer Support

Weber also has a robust support staff that will assist you if you’re having trouble with your grill, or if you need help finding the right replacement part after years of using your grill.

Customer service is one of those things that might sound unnecessary – especially if it makes your grill more expensive.  But when you need help, it’s way better to have somebody there to walk you through your issue than not.


Most Weber grills, and the parts inside are covered by a 10 year warranty – which is a far more generous warranty coverage period than cheap grill brands out on the market.  While the warranty means you’ll pay more now for a grill with Weber, you’re in a sense guaranteeing the longevity of your purchase.

Final Thoughts

If you came to this resource wondering “are Weber Grills worth it?”, I hope we shed enough light on the situation for you to feel like you know the answer to that question.

As proud Weber owners here, we definitely think that Weber grills are worth the money – but we think that the unique value they offer declines as you move into their high-end line of grills (and that’s only because the competition is stiffer in the high-end market).

Either way, we’d venture to say that you won’t be disappointed if you end up with a Weber on your back patio.